
About Us

The ASEAN Japan Cybersecurity Community Alliance (AJCCA) is a collaborative initiative formed by nine leading cybersecurity communities from ASEAN nations and Japan. AJCCA is dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity capabilities, information sharing, and mutual support among its member nations to address the evolving challenges in the digital landscape.


"A dynamic and resilient cybersecurity community in our region through trustworthy and respectful collaboration"


1. Facilitate Exchanges Among Organizations :

Recognizing the importance of diverse perspective and experiences in tackling cyber threats, the AJCCA aims to deepen mutual understanding , interactions and collaborations across member countries about cybersecurity governance and operations.

2. Exchange Information on Cyber Threats for better cyber resilience:

A critical component of the alliance is the sharing of intelligence regarding cybersecurity threats, incidents, and solutions prevalent in each member country. This information exchange is pivotal in pre-empting and mitigating cyber-attacks.

3. Improve and Enhance Sustainable Cybersecurity Capacity :

The alliance focuses on building trust , nurturing capacities and enhancing security awareness among its members. This involves joint training programs, workshops, and seminars to equip members with the latest cybersecurity knowledge and skills




  • First 'A' for ASEAN and Japan: This 'A' is likely designed to represent the partnership or alliance between the ASEAN countries and Japan, indicated by its prominent position and the use of red and blue colors which could be referencing the colors found in many ASEAN nations' flags as well as the Japanese flag.
  • Second and Third 'C's: These letters are stylized to represent a chain or a secure connection, which aligns with the cybersecurity focus of the alliance. The interconnected circles may symbolize unity, strength, and the interconnected nature of cybersecurity efforts across nations.
  • Color Scheme: The use of red, blue, and black may have been chosen for their strong visual impact, with red and blue often associated with trust, security, and authority, which are key aspects of cybersecurity.
  • Typography and Style: The bold and modern typeface of the 'AJCCA' acronym conveys a sense of professionalism and modernity, which is fitting for a cybersecurity alliance.
  • Overall Shape and Balance: The design is balanced with a mix of angular and rounded elements, which may be intended to convey a sense of dynamism and adaptability, important traits for cybersecurity.


  1. Brunei - Brunei Cybersecurity Association
  2. Cambodia - Isac-Cambodia
  3. Indonesia - IdNSA
  4. Japan - JNSA
  5. Malaysia - Rawsec
  6. Philippine - PhCERT
  7. Singapore - AiSP
  8. Thailand - TISA
  9. Vietnam - VNISA