

AJCCA and ASOCIO new partnership

AJCCA and ASOCIO new partnership.

In a strategic move that marks a new era in cybersecurity collaboration across the Asia Pacific, AJCCA has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) on Feb 27, 2024, in Taipeh on April 19, 2024 where General Secretary AJCCA Mr Ito Seiichi met ASOCIO President Mr Brian. This partnership establishes AJCCA as a global partner of ASOCIO, expanding its influence and integrating its cybersecurity initiatives with those of the broader ICT federation, which represents 24 economies throughout Asia and Oceania.

ASOCIO, known for being the most established and active international ICT trade organization in the region, encompasses over 20,000 ICT companies across the Asia Pacific. This MoU with AJCCA is poised to significantly bolster cybersecurity measures within these companies, enhancing protection and cooperation across national borders. The alliance targets not only the strengthening of existing defenses but also the development of resilient digital infrastructures against the increasing threats in cybersecurity.

The collaboration between AJCCA and ASOCIO is expected to facilitate a broad spectrum of initiatives aimed at cybersecurity enhancement for all member economies. The signed MoU outlines plans for joint research projects, shared training programs, and cooperative public awareness campaigns that aim to elevate the security standards within the region's ICT sector. By leveraging AJCCA's expertise and ASOCIO's extensive network, this partnership promises to cultivate a more secure digital environment across Asia and Oceania, reflecting a shared commitment to advancing cybersecurity as a top priority in the digital age.